October 18, 2024
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Amgen launches second trial for Alzheimer’s product


Amgen and Novartis launched a second trial for a product intended to delay or prevent Alzheimer’s disease, in partnership with the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute.

The biotech giant based in Thousand Oaks had previously collaborated on the first study in the Alzhiemer’s Prevention Initiative Generation program, which enrolled participants who had two copies of the apolipoprotein E 4 gene, or APOE4, which is a major risk indicator for late-onset Alzheimer’s.

The new study, which began enrolling participants in August, will target patients with either one or two copies of the gene, as well as high levels of the amyloid protein that is evident in the brains of people who suffer from the disease. Eventually, the study aims to tally 2,000 participants from more than 180 sites and 20 countries worldwide.

“Through the unique combination of genetic testing and counseling in cognitively healthy adults, the Generation Study 2 exhibits an innovative clinical approach that may offer insight towards Alzheimer’s prevention for those at highest risk for developing the disease,” Sean Harper, executive vice president of research and development at Amgen, said in a news release Nov. 2.

Co-developed by Amgen and Switzerland-based Novartis, the trial will test a product called CNP520 that blocks an enzyme that plays a role in the creation of amyloid. The Generation Program targets cognitively healthy people with genetic and other risk factors for Alzheimer’s, ages 60-75.

“This approach continues to shift the Alzheimer’s research paradigm from reversing disease damage to attacking its root cause before symptoms surface,” said Pierre Tariot, co-director of API and director of BAI. “It is our hope that by conducting research targeting the disease at earlier stages, we will have a better chance of delaying or preventing the onset of the disease.”

• Contact Marissa Nall at [email protected].