May 14, 2024
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Civil Dialogues

Host Henry Dubroff and guests offer a solutions-driven approach to problem-solving and to fill some of the gaps in public discourse created by the demise of local newspapers and increasingly divisive politics.

He will be having in-depth conversations with regional thought leaders, with area residents and we hope to bring some national figures on as guests. 

Vincent Stanley, co-author with Yvon Chouinard of The Responsible Company, has been with Patagonia on and off since its beginning in 1973, for many of those years in key executive roles as head of sales or marketing. More informally, he is Patagonia’s long-time chief storyteller. Vincent helped develop the Footprint Chronicles, the company’s interactive website that outlines the social and environmental impact of its products; the Common Threads Partnership; and Patagonia Books. He currently serves as the company’s Director, Patagonia Philosophy, and is a visiting fellow at the Yale School of Management. He is also a poet whose work has appeared in Best American Poetry. Listen to Vincent lay out the philosophy of Patagonia’s story and its evolution from conservation to environmental activism.

Purchase The Future of the Responsible Company here:

Purchase The Responsible Company here: