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This special section profiles family businesses and closely held companies in the Tri-Counties. These businesses are either a company where two or more family members are actively involved as owner-managers, a company where ownership is now in the second generation or another succeeding generation under family control, or one where a small group of individuals, including possibly family members, own the business.
- Section publishes Friday Feb. 27, 2015
- Honorees were celebrated at an awards luncheon Thursday, March 12 at the Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
- Tickets are $45 for individual tickets, and $320 for a table of 8. Click here to purchase tickets.
To discuss working with our editorial staff to publish an informational piece in the section, email [email protected]
To discuss sponsorship or advertising opportunities, contact Publisher Linda le Brock at
(805) 560-6950 ext. 233 or [email protected].
Photos from the 2014 event
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