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The posting police: Social Intelligence roots out workers’ comp fraud

By   /  Friday, September 5th, 2014  /  Small Business, South Coast, Technology, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on The posting police: Social Intelligence roots out workers’ comp fraud

Santa Barbara-based Social Intelligence, a firm that combs social media and other sites for red flags about potential employees, has inked a new deal to help combat workers’ compensation fraud.


Facebook doesn’t forget

By   /  Monday, October 25th, 2010  /  Features, Technology  /  Comments Off on Facebook doesn’t forget

Like it or not, about four in five businesses Google their prospective hires and look at public Facebook profiles. Santa Barbara-based Social Intelligence Corp. wants to take that task off their hands. The reason is that unstructured online sleuthing can put an employer in a thorny position. One the one hand, businesses can be sued Read More →