CSUCI administrator named next interim president
Richard Yao, the vice president for student affairs at CSU Channel Islands, has been named the university’s interim president by CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White. Yao will assume leadership of the Camarillo-area university on Jan. 11, when current president Erika Beck leaves to becomes president of CSU Northridge, White’s office announced Nov. 12. Yao, who Read More →
Beck leaves CSUCI to take president’s job at Northridge
Erika Beck, the second president in the history of CSUCI, is leaving Camarillo to take the president’s job at CSU Northridge
Dubroff: A look at the exciting year ahead for the Business Times
The masthead signals that we’re at issue 52 and about to start into a new year. So I’ll exercise my editor’s privilege and provide an update from the Business Times newsroom as we launch Volume 18. On April 13, CSU Channel Islands President Erika Beck will be the keynote speaker and special honoree at this Read More →