Paul Orfalea still hasn’t forgiven the alphabet. “I think it’s chickenshit, the alphabet,” the Kinko’s founder told a lunchtime meeting of the Rotary Club of Ventura-South on April 25, at the Tower Club atop the Topa Financial Plaza in Oxnard. “ ‘GH’ is an ‘F,’ ‘PH’ is an ‘F’, and ‘F’ is an ‘F.’ Why Read More →
West Coast Asset Management, the alternative investment firm founded by Paul Orfalea and family member Lance Helfert, is merging with a San Diego-based money manager.
By Editorial Board / Friday, January 24th, 2014 / Latest news / Comments Off on Editorial: Pre-school as economic development
A Jan. 16 program hosted by the Economic Development Collaborative of Ventura County raised an intriguing question. If pre-school works so well, why not make it accessible to every kid in the county?
Doug Cerf, area chair for accounting and business law at the Orfalea College of Business, will serve as interim dean starting July 1. Cerf has been area chair for accounting and business law since 2007, and a Cal Poly faculty member since 1990. The announcement was made in a news release from Cal Poly. Cerf’s Read More →
Kinko’s founder Paul Orfalea hates working long hours — and he said that’s a big part of the reason his small business turned into one of the most successful start-ups ever to come out of Santa Barbara County. Orfalea shared personal advice on how to manage a start-up company with a group of about 200 Read More →