Our View: Redistricting shakes up Central Coast politics
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Gates: ‘Compromise has become a dirty word’
[EDITOR’s NOTE: This story was updated at 1:50 p.m. on March 2, 2012] Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates delivered a ringing endorsement to California’s citizen-led redistricting effort, saying in a March 2 speech in Santa Barbara that extreme forces on the political left and right must learn to compromise if America is going to get Read More →
Editorial: The region’s political landscape is changing
California’s redistricting commission is about ready to reveal its final plans for drawing congressional maps and two things are becoming crystal clear. First, House districts for the Tri-Counties will be much more competitive than in the past. Second, Ventura County is paying a political price for the slow-growth policies that have kept population growth in Read More →
Editorial: A more transparent future for area politics
The current way the region’s political districts are carved out is grossly unfair.
Editorial: Safe seats aren’t forever
Right now it’s hard to imagine the Central Coast represented in Congress by someone other than Elton Gallegly, R-Simi Valley, or Lois Capps, D-Santa Barbara. And it’s hard to imagine Assembly districts safer than the ones won by Democrat Das Williams or Republican Jeff Gorrell. But the day is coming when, thanks to redistricting, congressional Read More →