Social distancing rules make funeral services challenging
By Pat Maio / Friday, June 5th, 2020 / Health Care & Life Science, Latest news / Comments Off on Social distancing rules make funeral services challenging
Well, at least tears are still permitted at funerals. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a patchwork of bureaucratic guidelines by departments of public health in Sacramento and the counties that have made the business of operating a funeral home incredibly complex. Until late in May, funeral homes were not permitting more than 10 people Read More →
Our view: Social distancing could be required for months
By Henry Dubroff / Friday, April 3rd, 2020 / Editorials, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Opinion / Comments Off on Our view: Social distancing could be required for months
Is the Central Coast headed toward a COVID-19 peak or is an April surge in our future? That is the key question amid signs that decisions by state and local governments to reduce social interaction in early March are starting to pay off. At press time the most alarming signals were coming from Santa Barbara Read More →