By Henry Dubroff / Friday, May 17th, 2019 / Latest news / Comments Off on Dubroff: Dearth of acronyms underscores major shift for markets
You can tell the global markets are going through uncertain times because we are in the middle of a serious acronym drought. These days the BRICS are busted, the FANGS are fangless and “Chimerica,” the word once used to describe a world dominated by two economic giants, has lost its magic amid trade war tensions. Read More →
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This article is only available to Business Times subscribers Subscribers: LOG IN or REGISTER for complete digital access. Not a Subscriber? SUBSCRIBE for full access to our weekly newspaper, online edition and Book of Lists. Check the STATUS of your Subscription Account.
If continuing research can change the amount of energy we expect our consumer electronics to consume as much as Nakamura’s LEDs have changed the way we think of light bulbs, the university will more than recover Munger’s donation money in patent licensing and added prestige.
By Marissa Wenzke / Friday, October 31st, 2014 / Latest news, Top Stories / Comments Off on Munger on a mission: Housing for 21st century scholars
Munger made headlines nationwide when he gave $65 million to UC Santa Barbara to fund a planned scholars residence for the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, enlisting South Coast developer-financier-philanthropist Mike Towbes, whose Towbes Group will build the three-story project.
Munger’s gift outpaces a $50 million gift by Oracle Corp. Vice Chairman Jeff Henley to fund UCSB’s research into energy efficiency and other science programs.
Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman Charles Munger, a frequent South Coast visitor whose grandson studied at UC Santa Barbara has donated $20.7 million in stock to the university.