New book looks at J.D. Power’s impact on auto industry
When the history of the automotive industry in the 21st Century is written, it will be hard to ignore the long-term influence of J.D. “Dave” Power III and the rankings produced by Westlake Village-based J.D. Power & Associates. Power’ pioneering efforts to put the consumer in the driver’s seat by measuring customer satisfaction with new Read More →
What is a crisis of confidence, and how do we get over it?
David Newton, a professor at Westmont College, is the editor of a new book called “Crisis of Confidence.” It has a clever title. And, for the public-affairs junkie, it’s a good, quick read through the fiscal and public policy challenges facing the country. There is a thorough explanation of the “fiscal cliff” that we face Read More →
A blueprint for green business: Patagonia execs share lessons learned in new book
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Hold that thought: Thousand Oaks entrepreneur Turpel pens book
Pete Turpel opens “Holding Power,” his recently released book, with a story about how he did something all of us think about doing — sometimes more than once a day. He threw away his smart phone. In fairness to smart phones, it was a BlackBerry, a less cool and perhaps more intrusive device than the Read More →