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Carpinteria, Santa Barbara, Goleta form South Coast chamber

By   /  Monday, June 29th, 2020  /  Latest news, South Coast, Tourism  /  Comments Off on Carpinteria, Santa Barbara, Goleta form South Coast chamber

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Reopening will not be easy, but it can be done

By   /  Friday, May 15th, 2020  /  Health Care & Life Science, Higher Education, Latest news, South Coast  /  Comments Off on Reopening will not be easy, but it can be done

The pain from the COVID-19 pandemic will be here for a while, but we can learn from it. That was a theme of a UC Santa Barbara economic webinar examining the effects of COVID-19 on Santa Barbara County and what that means going forward. The May 7 webinar featured four local experts on subjects ranging Read More →


Tri-county chambers use virtual mixers to schmooze online

By   /  Friday, May 15th, 2020  /  Latest news, Small Business  /  Comments Off on Tri-county chambers use virtual mixers to schmooze online

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Tri-county chambers provide masks and resources for small businesses

By   /  Friday, May 1st, 2020  /  Latest news, Restaurants, Small Business  /  Comments Off on Tri-county chambers provide masks and resources for small businesses

The Goleta Chamber of Commerce wanted to support the city’s businesses as best it could in the middle of a pandemic. So the chamber gathered as many email addresses and phone numbers as it could get — even if the business wasn’t a part of the chamber — and worked to figure out how to Read More →


Dubroff: COVID-19 pandemic prompts chambers to merge

By   /  Friday, May 1st, 2020  /  Columns, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: COVID-19 pandemic prompts chambers to merge

Henry Dubroff

Merging the chambers of commerce for Santa Barbara and Goleta is a logical step but it took a global economic crisis to force the decision. In case you missed it, the Chamber of the Santa Barbara Region and the Goleta Chamber of Commerce announced April 24 that they will combine memberships, creating an organization with Read More →


Santa Barbara and Goleta chambers to merge

By   /  Friday, April 24th, 2020  /  Latest news, Small Business, South Coast, Tourism  /  Comments Off on Santa Barbara and Goleta chambers to merge

Two of the region’s largest chambers of commerce have agreed to merge,  creating a regional chamber for South Santa Barbara County that mirrors efforts elsewhere in the region. The Chamber of the Santa Barbara Region and the Goleta Chamber of Commerce announced April 24 that they will combine memberships, creating an organization with more than Read More →


Concerns raised over consumer privacy law

By   /  Friday, February 28th, 2020  /  Latest news, Law & Goverment, Small Business, Technology  /  Comments Off on Concerns raised over consumer privacy law

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