Editorial: Diablo Canyon study sets stage for debate
In the post-Fukushima world, regulators will be extremely cautious in their assessment of earthquake-tsunami risk.
Editorial: Earthquake worries rattle future of Diablo Canyon
The magnitude 6.0 earthquake centered in Southern Napa County this month has again brought the issue of seismic risk at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant near San Luis Obispo onto the news pages. Reporting by the Associated Press has revealed a deep internal rift at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Officials in the agency are at Read More →
Last plant standing: PG&E touts safety upgrades at Diablo Canyon
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Editorial: PG&E can make Diablo a model for nuclear safety
This pause in relicensing should be a chance for PG&E to make real improvements in safety systems.
Editorial: Common sense should guide plant relicensing
Taking all the time that’s required to get Diablo Canyon’s relicensing right is in the best interest of the nuclear industry.
A time out to assess Diablo Canyon risks
When the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant began operating near Avila Beach more than20 years ago, it represented a rare economic development opportunity for San Luis Obispo County.