Our view: Low state tax revenues warning for Sacramento
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Fienup: Tax reform improves economic outlook for U.S.
By Matthew Fienup In January 2017, the California Lutheran University Center for Economic Research and Forecasting team made a bold proclamation about the outlook under the new presidential administration: “We assume that Donald Trump will not succeed in changing many of the policies that are primary drivers of the country’s poor economic performance.” As forecasters, Read More →
Dubroff: GOP plan to cut taxes isn’t the real tax reform U.S. needs
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Our view: Federal tax ‘reform’ plan targets high tax states
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Reform tax system with transaction tax
By Charlie Sibbald Tax reform is in the air again. As with the weather, it seems like everybody talks about tax reform and nobody does anything about it. Congressional leaders are discussing a big plan, as is the administration, and there is an expectation that this may be the year we finally pass comprehensive tax Read More →
Op/ed: Flat rate would treat all taxpayers equally
The current income tax code punishes our economy, rewards special interests and makes the U.S. less competitive globally.