Camarillo couple donates $300,000 to California Lutheran University
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Liberal arts education good for entrepreneurs
By Mike Panesis Question: What’s the one question a liberal arts university graduate needs to know? Answer: Do you want fries with that? When you’re the butt of jokes, you hear them all. The public concludes that a liberal arts education is useless without truly understanding it. So, let’s first reflect on its true purpose Read More →
How pirate tactics built an entrepreneurial ecosystem
By Reneé Rock “It’s better to be a pirate than to join the navy.” When Steve Jobs uttered this phrase, he was speaking to the Mac team, which had become a kind of splinter group with its own identity within Apple. Jobs knew what he was up against at fast-growing Apple and intuitively understood that Read More →
Cal Poly leases housing for student entrepreneurs
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A look at Central Coast entrepreneurial ecosystem
Entrepreneurship is a word we hear often, with good reason: More people are choosing to forgo the predictable paycheck as an employee for the opportunity to spin their idea into a tangible business of their own. For the first time in five years, the Startup Activity Index rose in 2015, showing the largest year-over-year increase Read More →