Letter: Maldonado is right on job creation
Washington’s policies hinder small-business growth and, more importantly, discourage people from taking risks.
Editorial: Private sector, not train, likely to put state on track
Despite an improving economy, discontent is simmering across California this summer.
Editorial: Ventura County rolls up its sleeves on job creation
Ventura County has taken some first steps toward setting an economic vitality framework into place. A plan presented to the Board of Supervisors on Aug. 7 brings the issue of economic vitality to center stage in a county that’s experienced a very slow recovery from the Great Recession. The plan, presented by the office of Read More →
California must invest in the future, Lt. Gov. says in SLO
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom told hundreds of civic and business leaders in San Luis Obispo on Feb. 24 that California needs to look beyond its borders for new ideas on how to once again lead the United States in job creation. Newsom told the crowd at the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce luncheon that Read More →
Letter to the editor: Capps, let business get back to business
It is time to let customers, not the government, select winners and losers.