Dubroff: Growth stock investors wake up to the bottom line
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Profits should not be considered a dirty word
By Lee Schuh My wife and I recently overheard a boisterous group of 20-something women bemoan the evils of profit while we ate an early dinner at our favorite restaurant. They blamed their poor-paying jobs on those who get the profits. They complained that these profit-takers are the only ones benefiting in this society. The Read More →
QAD’s second-quarter profits drop despite record revenue
Shares of Summerland-based business software firm QAD fell Aug. 27 on news that the company’s second-quarter profits dropped 24.2 percent to $985,000. QAD reported record revenues and higher operating income during the second quarter. Its total revenue climbed 12 percent to a second-quarter record of $73.1 million, it said, up from $65.2 million in the Read More →